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Slack - How it helps you!

Lisa Hendershott

Communication is the key to every relationship. Even work relationships. Being able to communicate with your company is vital to know updates, important announcements, pick up delivery offers, notification of changes, etc… The possibilities are endless with communication. It is better to over-communicate than under-communicate.

DeliverThat has a communication platform we use for this exact purpose. It’s called Slack! With Slack, you can communicate directly with a member of our bilingual staff or each other. Slack also has metro channels where specific information is directed to that metro. Group messaging can take place in the metro channels as well! Drivers can message the group, another driver or an internal staff member. If a driver needs to contact a member of the staff, placing the “@” symbol in front of the team member's name will alert the team member of the message.

Slack is used for so many other things than communication between team members and drivers. We use it for shopping deliveries from our DeliverThat Dispatch Team. If a delivery comes in at the last minute, our team takes to Slack and blasts out an announcement, alerting the entire channel of the delivery. It is “first come, first serve” to pick up these deliveries, so get them while they're hot!

The Dispatch Team alerts drivers of upcoming orders in the system for the next day as well! This allows our Dispatch team to help cover these deliveries as soon as possible.

DeliverThat also uses slack for setup picture contest! Upload your setups from deliveries to enter and win DeliverThat gear and prize money!

Slack is a great tool for DeliverThat and DeliverThat Drivers. More communications, more deliveries, more DeliverThat!

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