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Checking Your Order Cost

Jim Dehnke

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin

There are many steps you can take when preparing to drop off and setup a restaurant catering order that will make your delivery easier. Making sure your vehicle has enough gas. Having the proper number of bags to handle the order. Making sure your dress is presentable. Knowing exactly where you need to go to drop-off the food. Properly contacting the customer to introduce yourself prior to delivery and set up. ... The list of delivery best practices seems endless.

Catering Equipment

However, one simple step of preparation that will ensure a smooth delivery, is knowing the cost of the order for your delivery. This will give you, as the driver, insight into exactly how to prepare for your delivery. It will allow you to calculate how many catering bags you will need to successfully complete the delivery and whether you will need a cart or a wagon, or no bags at all!

Another piece of valuable information is knowing ahead of time what type of food you will be transporting. If a delivery has an order cost of $200 and is being picked up from a sandwich shop, you know that prepackaged subs will be easier to transport. A $200 delivery coming from a Mexican restaurant will be a bit more complex, and will have more sides and hot/cold items.

The dollar amount of food from different types of restaurants will always change the preparation for a delivery. But being prepared will set you up for success no matter the menu.

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