Our next Driver Spotlight is the definition of the ‘grindset mindset.’ Traveling over 100 miles daily from rural Tennessee to the happening town of Nashville, Chrystal B. is one dedicated gig driver. Chrystal starts her mornings around 3 AM when she wakes up and starts her trek to the city. Picking up some rideshares on the way, Chrystal has learned how to make every part of her day financially beneficial.
After rejoining the DeliverThat platform in 2022 after a short stint away, Chrystal has worked her way up the DeliverThat ranks to an Elite driver on our platform. Like many, Chrystal turned to the gig economy after years of working for someone else. “I decided I would never be an employee ever again. What the gig economy has provided for me, not only financially but the freedom it provides, can’t be understated. I made the choice to draw from my past experiences and figure out how to be my own boss,” said Chrystal.
Chrystal operates nine gig apps, balancing them to find the best source of income. However, she says she stays active on the DeliverThat app while mainly focusing on non-emergency medical transport. “I like making an impact,” said Chrystal. “Transporting the sick, disabled, and injured gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment, knowing I’m helping someone in a time of need. With DeliverThat’s catering deliveries, the larger orders give me more fulfillment than the other platforms,” she added.
When talking about DeliverThat, Chrystal quickly brought up our ‘By Drivers, For Drivers’ motto. “Driving with DeliverThat has been one of the most interesting experiences of my life. Throughout my time on the platform, I have never had a single negative interaction with a single person on the staff. I have been treated with more respect than anywhere I have ever worked. It shows that you care about your drivers,” she said. “If you have someone that has personal knowledge of what is required to do this job, that person will be more inclined to hear you better and understand your situation,” Chrystal added.
When asked, the Elite driver had some essential advice for newer drivers to the Deliverthat platform. “You have to understand you are an extension of every party in the delivery process. You not only represent DeliverThat, but also the restaurant you are delivering for, as well as being an extension of the customer. You are the only person during the delivery that directly interacts with all parties. How you interact with everyone in the process will dictate the experience for everyone involved”, Chrystal wisely said. “It is all about balancing relationships. Have an attitude of gratitude and a heart of servitude,” she concluded.
We appreciate Chrystal for making the time to speak with us about her experience on the DeliverThat platform. Since rejoining, she has been an absolute pleasure to work with and a steady, vital force in our Nashville market. Keep up the excellent work, and keep #DeliveringMore, Chrystal!